What is the risk of buying coins? Investigation of the possibility of internal yellow metal

Evidence and rules show that buying coins is still a high risk in the current situation.

Emami coin is also far from the intrinsic price and this distance means there is a risk.

If the dollar breaks the border of 24 thousand tomans, in this case the path to reach the floor of 20 thousand tomans can be smooth. If this happens, the coin will easily fall below 10 million tomans.

Quoted from Mr. Ebadullah Mohammadoli, expert and veteran of the gold market:
The gold and dollar markets in Iran are waiting to negotiate with the United States and curb prices, and this has led to some household reserves in the market, while demand has declined.
Apart from this holiday, the two-week gold and dollar market has been effective in reducing prices, and if there is no political tension in the region, the price of coins may fall below 10 million tomans.
However, prices may not be stable for several reasons.

Tehran Bazaar Information Network