Can I pay for my order?

Payment at the place

Yes, you can pay for your order at the time of delivery, in some cases it is not possible to pay for the order at the place.

If your order is one of the following conditions, there is no possibility to pay the order.

- Your order amount is more than 3 million USD.

- Your order contains more than one item.

- Your order will be sent by post or courier or TIPEX.


Internet payment

Megagar users can pay their online order online at the time of ordering, via an Internet portal. Successful payment is a fixed payment order for the order, after which the text message is sent to the user for the successful registration of the order and there is no need to inform the payment order and the order is automatically entered in the process of preparation and sending.
It should be noted that Internet payment creates a priority and accelerates the processing of user orders.

When ordering, you can choose an internet payment and enter your payment information after entering the port.

You need to pay for Internet payments;

- The card number (16 digit number on the bank)

- Second Card Code (You need to have your bank account already activated for the second payment (internet shopping password).
To activate the internet shopping password, you can go to the ATM of your bank issuing your card, enter your card, and select the password operation section. Then, select your password in the second passcode or Internet password.
- CCV2 (is a 3 or 4 digit code that is inserted behind or on bank cards and is used as a security code for online payments)
- Expiry date (the expiry date of the card is carved) If you do not have an expiration date on your card, you can use the number 12 instead of the month and use 99 instead of the card expiration date.)


Information and terms and conditions for returning to the customer

- The customer must register the card number of the account whose name is the owner of the profile in his meghallar account. (In the case of people under the age of 18 without a bank card, one parent's parent number is sufficient for father's priority.)
- If required, returns to the customer's account, the principal is that the amount will be refunded to the card number declared by the customer. By accepting the card number in his account, the customer accepts that he is liable for financial transactions regarding the return of the purchase made from Meghaleri, and accepts the legal responsibility in this regard by introducing the card into the account.
- If there is a different card in each initial deposit purchase and the discrepancy between the originator account that the initial payment has been made with the account declared by the customer in the account, the metric in accordance with the legal terms and conditions, the amount into account Origin will return.