Over the past two days, gold has hit a record low after a relatively long hiatus and its price has risen sharply again. But is this a real price increase or is it just a temporary market excitement?

According to Tehran Gold Market: Today is the third day of Arian and with the beginning of this month, gold has grown again and its price has increased sharply.

The price of an ounce of gold is now more than forty dollars, while last week the price of gold fell below $ 1770.

The main reasons for the rise in gold prices are the expectations for accepting the new financial stimulus and the weakness of the dollar. The US dollar index is currently at its lowest level in 2.5 years, raising gold.

Experts believe that although there are still factors that can reverse and reduce the price of gold, it is expected that gold will continue to rise in price.

A combination of expectations for financial stimulus, a weakening dollar and the Federal Reserve's support for the event, as well as inflation expectations for next year, could push gold prices higher.

Rising inflation next year and, of course, economic recovery could boost both the stock market index and the price of gold.

However, it remains to be seen whether stimulus packages will be approved by the end of the year. The performance of the corona vaccine can also have a significant impact on the market.

Tehran Bazaar Information Network