Interview with Mohammad Hossein Adib
What is happening in Europe?
Adib: In Europe, national economic identities are strengthened against European economic identities
How do you analyze the British withdrawal from Bergzit?
Adib: In order to be more competitive, the European economy must become more competitive and face the problem of resisting public opinion. The era of welfare states, which has been the basis of European government for the past fifty years, is over. Europe has no money to finance welfare countries, and the continuation of welfare states has weakened Europe's economy. China has become an economic superpower in the last two decades because Europe has performed poorly and closed the welfare-based European political model. Macron tried to distance himself from the welfare state but failed and reacted. Macron said against the social movement of the yellow shirts Macron said I heard your voice The movement of the yellow shirts was the resistance of the French people against Macron's attempt to make the economy competitive, the choice of Britain to try to distance itself from such Europe
How do you assess the US election?
Adib: It does not matter who wins the US election, American society became bipolar during Trump's presidency.
What about the global arena?
Adib: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said: "We grew up in Germany with the culture that the United States is the world leader. Now the United States itself no longer wants to be the world leader, and we have to think for ourselves, the United States no longer wants to be the world leader. Be
What do these two mean together?
Adib: On the one hand, the United States no longer wants to be the world leader. On the other hand, American society enters an atmosphere of love and hate. Together, these two further weaken the role of the US leadership and create a political vacuum in the world. This gap is being filled by regional powers.
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