In these economic conditions, buying gold has become difficult for many people, and some of them are very willing to buy gold but face a budget deficit or need ring and wedding services in Plan the Mehr online jewelry store. buy gold in installments Solve some of these problems so that everyone can buy gold.

In the Mehr plan, we will introduce you to you through a bank intermediary so that you can receive facilities for buying gold.

The method of buying gold in installments is as follows:
1- You choose the product from our site. (Mehr Online Jewelry Store)

2 - After selecting the product, enter the code of the selected product along with your other details in the pre-registration form

3- Financial steps must be done by the bank and the intermediary company
  4- Bring us financial confirmation, the product will be delivered to you

Purchase ceiling and profit percentage:
- For government employees with salary deduction slips - 50 million Tomans - 18% bank interest
- For ordinary people 20 million Tomans (check plan) - 24% bank interest

Depending on the type of goods you choose and the amount and timing of your payment, it will be between 5 and 10% of the total amount.

Gold calculation rate:
The final amount will be calculated at the rate of the day of receiving the facility and issuing the sales invoice. Because the facility is received through the banking network, gold rate fluctuations will not affect the amount of installments paid during the installment payment period.
To receive the pre-registration form and ask any questions in this regard, send a message to WhatsApp Gallery at 09022270054.