To criticize the economics of cyberspace, two components are concentrated: a) how corrupt the government is b) immediate profits, which usually benefit from the loss of one person to another, criticism of the economy is caught in this circle. Gold Quest is rude and economical, it takes another toll in Gold Goist

To critique the economy, three factors must be considered: a) Is the exchange rate at the desired point b) Is the interest rate at the desired point c) Is the economy well secured

Is the exchange rate at the optimal point? The optimal point depends on the supply and demand of the dollar in the economy, and the supply of dollars may increase or decrease and the rate of the dollar increase or decrease, but the central bank should not interfere in determining the rate, now the bank does not interfere in determining the dollar. Slow and the rate is at the desired point, if the supply of dollars increases with the beginning of foreign relations, the dollar rate changes and stands everywhere. If the central bank does not intervene, it is the optimal point, so the optimal point is not a fixed point. Just let the market determine its rate according to supply and demand, the optimal point

Is the interest rate at the optimal point? What is the definition of interest rates at the optimal point? If the economy faces high interest rates, all those with low productivity will be under severe pressure

If the economy is faced with low-interest money, low-productivity economic agents can survive

Which one is desirable? When the economy is facing severe inflationary pressures, the solution is high-profit money (regardless of the state of economic actors with poor or strong productivity)

What is the definition of high profit money? If inflation is lower than the interest rate on bank loans, the economy will face high-interest money

If inflation is higher than bank interest rates, the economy will face lower interest rates

Until October 17 this year, when the dollar reached 32,000 tomans, the economy was facing low-interest money, while in March 2017, the dollar reached 4,000 tomans and demanded that the economy use high-profit money to prevent inflation. , But in this economy low interest rates, so inflation was not curbed. If the economy had been facing high-interest currencies since January 2017, the dollar would never have reached these rates.

Instead of high-interest monetary policy, the central bank pursued low-interest monetary policy, which led to an inflationary explosion.

All over the world, the mechanism for curbing inflation is high interest rates, not low interest rates

The country has been facing severe anti-inflation inflation since October 18 this year, the dollar has fallen from 32,000 tomans, and a comparison of bank interest rates with inflation since October 17 shows that the economy is facing high interest money.

But as of October 17, the claim that the economy is facing high profit money was not enough. According to the Chicago Protocol, this process must continue for three seasons, nine months, to create the impression that the economy is facing high profit money. If it lasts another 5 months, it can be considered as full money

Economic activists who have been operating with bank loans since October 18 have lost about 25 percent

What will be the trend of low interest money in the next five months? Will negative inflation continue? Forecasting should focus on two things (and something else) a. Liquidity growth: If the liquidity growth is 36% like in the last 12 months, this negative inflation trend will not continue and sooner or later it will be reversed. B- More dollars entering the Iranian economy than in the last 12 months, which causes the dollar to fall

Oil exports may increase and the supply of dollars to the economy may increase without increasing the conclusion in Borjam (reducing the pressure on the Iranian economy by tacit agreement).

It is possible that Borjam will make serious progress, but oil exports will not be revived, so the supply of dollars will not change

What is important is to provide more dollars, not to revive Barjam